Saturday, September 26, 2009

Who’s talking now?

From the World Press: Team Boleiros showed up for the pool in fair numbers against Team Ninja for the second clash between the teams in two weeks. Decided to erase the marks from last week’s defeat, they opened a six-point advantage following the first round of events. During the first break, Team Ninja lost two swimmers – Ethan McCallum due to injury, and Luuk Dekkers, scared after the first round! Team Boleiros utilized its number advantage to open the lead during the second round. With a deficit of astonishing 15 points leading in to the Relay, Team Ninja’s head coach made a plead so that Relay winner would get 16 points and second place would get nothing, which was promptly accepted by Team Boleiros. After a great effort during the Relay from both teams, Team Boleiros came out with the victory, to put a shocking 31 points advantage in the final score. Team Ninja’s Head Coach Aron Nakama was found crying in the locker room after the meet, and did not want to comment (after asking this reporter for a hug). Rumors were he left the state in order to hide. Team Boleiros’ Lucas Ferreira limited to say: “Our guys were hurt after last week, it wasn’t an easy week. And I compliment them for putting such a great performance today. We showed what we are made of, but this is not the end. We better be ready for next week!”

In all seriousness, the coaching staff was again pleased with how swimmers performed during our second week inter-squad dual meet. On top of several good performances for an early season mock meet, it seemed like everybody had fun. For the second week in a row, having a number advantage over the opposite team was crucial for going home with a victory. We expect all those who were present to “recruit” their teammates for showing up next week.

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